I need $7,200 in two weeks, to pay for court costs back owing. I figure I will need another $10,000 as a retainer. I am in the process of looking for a lawfirm who will be willing to represent me. My other lawyer ended up in a conflict of interest situation and had to bail out last April. Since then, I have been representing myself. They say only a fool would represent himself in court. I am a poor fool. The Watchtower is going to appeal the court decision which means Appelet Court, which means I need a lawyer. Thanks for your help. Lawrence
I need your help to continue my lawsuit against the Watchtower Society and the doctor who the Watchtower Society arranged for to give my daughter Arsenic. The WTS lawyer, HLC members and the doctor deceived Bethany and lied to her, convincing her that Arsenic would cure her. Bethany was convinced that Arsenic could cure her and was curing her. Bethany and the WTS lawyers stated in Court and in the media that the treatment was a cure for her desease ( AML Leukemia) and that Bethany was getting better. Bethany stated in her affidavit and on TV that the treatment was working, was curative and that she was looking forward to taking a trip to Disneyland and going back to school in a month.
I sent Bethany's medical records to three specialists and they all agree that Arsenic is not a treatment for AML Leukemia and that it did not offer Bethany any chance of a cure and that with standard medical treatments, Bethany's chance of recovery would be between 30 - 50%.
I need your help to send a strong message to the medical community. I need your help to teach the WTS a valuable lesson, that this sort of thing will not be tolerated in the future. I need you to help me with my lawsuit. The WTS has unlimited resources and I have very little resources. For over a year I have been without a lawyer. Even if I can get a lawfirm to take the case on a Contingency basis, I would need to come up with a retainer and cover the out of pocket expeses.
I need you to send me money, otherwise I may have to cancel the lawsuit. I need you to send me money ASAP. In case you didn't know, the judge has decided that my lawsuit can go to trial. The story is in the media on an average of once a month and in the National News about once every two months. In the last month Associated Press has published the story three times and it was on CNN last week. . I thank you in advance for your help.
Please send a cheque, draft or money order to:
Lawrence Hughes
P.O. Box 20161
Calgary Place, RPO
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 4J2